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Logo Design

We're excited to showcase the impactful logo design we crafted for Open Palms Initiative, a dynamic NGO dedicated to empowering and uplifting society's most vulnerable, especially the youth. Let's dive into the creative process behind the development of their versatile logo.

  1. Understanding & Empathy: Our journey with Open Palms Initiative began with deep empathy and understanding of their mission. We immersed ourselves in their cause, grasping the essence of resilience and unity encapsulated in their tagline "Resilient Together."

  2. Conceptualization & Symbolism: Drawing inspiration from the spirit of giving and support, we conceptualized a logo that symbolized hope, community, and empowerment. The open palms motif emerged as a powerful symbol of reaching out, lending a helping hand, and fostering solidarity.

  3. Variation Exploration: We explored various color schemes and variations to ensure the logo's adaptability across different contexts. The primary white version exudes simplicity and clarity, while the secondary orange and blue variations inject vibrancy and depth, reflecting Open Palms Initiative's dynamic approach.

  4. Icon Design & Simplicity: Alongside the textual logo, we created an iconic representation of open palms. This minimalist icon serves as a memorable visual identifier, instantly recognizable and versatile for use across digital and print media.

  5. Feedback & Refinement: Collaboration played a crucial role as we collaborated closely with Open Palms Initiative's team, incorporating their feedback and iterating on the design to achieve perfection. Every element was meticulously refined to ensure alignment with their vision and values.

  6. Impact & Brand Identity: The final logo design embodies Open Palms Initiative's ethos of resilience and unity, making a lasting impact and enhancing their brand identity. Whether in white, vibrant colors, or as a standalone icon, the logo speaks volumes about their commitment to making a difference in society.

We're honored to have been part of Open Palms Initiative's journey and are proud to have created a logo that resonates with their mission and aspirations. Together, we're fostering positive change and building a brighter future for those in need.

CLIENT: Open Palms Initiative


SERVICES: Logo Design


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